Simplify Structured Data with Your Clicks

Struggling to get structured data effortlessly? Transform your data Format with our Node Based Schema Generator. Experience top-tier, structured outputs without the hassle.

Our Core features will be...!

  • Customizable Data Schema

    Enable users to visually map how structured data is organized within a schema, and adjust these configurations using a drag-and-drop interface.

  • Visualization and Data Mapping

    Offer visual feedback on how data is processed, transformed, and structured. Real-time previews of data output could help users fine-tune their flows.

  • User Friendly

    Make it easy for non-technical users to modify and implement data flows using a drag-and-drop interface, while still providing advanced customization for developers.

  • High Customizable Code

    There are numerous functions available that will significantly enhance user efficiency and can be easily customized to meet individual needs.

import json
from temprl import StructOutput
from temprl.WebScrapper import get_markdown_data

query="2 apples and 4 oranges."
api_key = "xG39SwCc5FXEAnGNaICLBioB----"  # Using userId as the API key
temp_id = "template-172640----"

json_data = StructOutput.get_json(template_id=temp_id, query=query, api_key=api_key)
print(json.dumps(json_data, indent=2))

No Compromise in Tech and UX

Our Mission is to revolutionize how structured data is generated from Large Language Models (LLMs) by making advanced AI accessible to everyone.

Our Vision is to enhance and refine the quality and precision of structured data outputs from AI, empowering businesses and developers to leverage AI's full potential with minimal friction.

  • check-circle
    Structured Output in Minutes
  • check-circle
    Easy UX
  • check-circle
    Low Latency

Choose Your Plan

Select the plan that best fits your needs


  • 1,000 tokens per inference
  • 50 inferences per month
  • Access to Node UI editor
Coming Soon


  • 60,000 tokens per inference
  • 1,000 inferences per month
  • Access to Node UI editor
  • Priority support

Join Our Beta Program

Be among the first to experience our innovative data structuring solution!